Jewish Mysticism Course - Vol. 2

Abraham: An Embodiment of Love and Unity

The raging war in the Middle East is the latest chapter of a conflict between two nations who trace themselves to Abraham. It is both tragic and ironic: the three “Abrahamic” religions — Judaism, Christianity and Islam — portray this great soul as a peace-loving, humble man with a deep mystical connection to the divine. In the Jewish tradition he is often understood as an embodiment of loving kindness.

Can the life of Abraham inform us, Western spiritual seekers of today, as to how to respond to the increasingly complex challenges of the 21st Century? Can we use his life as an inspiration and practical guidance for spreading unity, instead of the fierce conflict that his professed followers are engaged in?

Come and find out!

Come and see what the Jewish sages had to say about the life of Abraham. In the process, you will learn about the roots of the three monotheistic religions, as well as gain some insight into the fascinating and intriguing perspective of Kabbalah and Chassidism. As the participants in our previous installment of our Jewish Mysticism for Spiritual Seekers found out, these ancient teachings provide useful perspectives for grappling with the fragmentation and polarization that we see around us at present.

Online Course - Jewish Mysticism - Abraham

A 6-Session Online Course with Igal Harmelin and Martin Bruders

(Preise inkl. MwSt - Prices incl. VAT)

240,00 €

Prices: Standard 240€/260$ - Reduced 190€/205$ - Sponsoring or bring a friend 340€/370$

We invite you to join us fore a six-lesson course, Abraham: An Embodiment of Love and Unity. Each meetings, which will be co-led by Rabbi Igal Harmelin and Martin Bruders, will include teaching lessons and text study (led by Igal), meditations (led by Martin), small sharing groups and Q&A  sessions. 

We will explore the life of Abraham as it portrays in the Hebrew Bible, as well as in various rabbinic and mystical texts throughout the ages. The goal is to create a space for a genuine, enriching engagement to enhance an authentic inner experience.

This course is the second installment in the series “Jewish Mysticism for Spiritual Seekers.” Those who register for the course on Abraham will receive access to selections from the previous course free of charge. Note that it is not necessary to have taken the first course to join order this one, neither does one have to be Jewish (or follow any religion, for that matter) in order to join.

The video below, which was prepared as an introduction to the first module of the series, is equally relevant for the course on Abraham:

Voices from Participants

"I am so grateful for this course. It is such a broad and beautiful knowledge and it is so worth listening to you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."



"Ich finde den Kurs ganz toll. Die Kombi von Martins Meditationsanleitung und Igals Ausführungen sind wunderbar. Das Thema MOSES beim letzten Mal war absolut faszinierend, mit wie einfachen Worten das Wesentliche so erhaben erschien. Danke!"

"I think the course is amazing. The combination of Martin's meditation instructions and Igal's explanations are wonderful. The topic of MOSES last time was absolutely fascinating, with how simple the essentials seemed so sublime. Thank you!"


Here is what the renown Swiss psychologist C.G. Jung had to say about one of the greatest Hassidic teachers, Rabbi Dov Baer of Mezeritch:

“But do you know who anticipated my entire psychology in the eighteenth century?

The Hassidic Rabbi Baer from Mezeritch, whom they called the Great Maggid. 

He was a most impressive man.“

Schedule for the Jewish Mysticism Course Vol. 2

Sunday Sep 15 - 8.30pm CET/ 2.30pm East Coast / 11.30am West Coast / 9.30pm Israel

Sunday Oct 06 - 8.30pm CET/ 2.30pm East Coast / 11.30am West Coast / 9.30pm Israel

Sunday Nov 03 - 8.30pm CET/ 2.30pm East Coast / 11.30am West Coast / 9.30pm Israel

Sunday Nov 24 - 8.30pm CET/ 2.30pm East Coast / 11.30am West Coast / 9.30pm Israel

Sunday Dec 08 - 8.30pm CET/ 2.30pm East Coast / 11.30am West Coast / 9.30pm Israel

Sunday Jan 05 - 8.30pm CET/ 2.30pm East Coast / 11.30am West Coast / 9.30pm Israel

All Sessions will last 90min.

Your Teachers



Igal Harmelin has been engaged in an active, committed spiritual practice for more than 50 years. He taught meditation on five continents, spent years researching world religions from a mystical perspective, and has recently been ordained as a rabbi.

Martin Bruders has been a committed spiritual seeker for more than 20 years. As a qualified social worker, mediator and coach, he facilitated numerous meditation retreats and seminars to deepen the mystical dimension in leadership. He is passionate re-connecting his Christian roots back to its origin in Jewish mysticism in an embodied way.

Practical Information for the Jewish Mysticism Course

All sessions will be held via Zoom and will be recorded. Once you are registered you will receive the necessary link at the latest 12-24 hours before the first call.